Cooking For Health: Onions Are Worth The Tears
Cooking For Health: Eat well to live well.
Who knew there were so many benefits to onions! Onions add flavor to any dish and were brought over by Christopher Columbus! Onions are high in Quercitin and lead to decreased oxidative stress.
Heart Health- lowers cholesterol and decreases clotting by preventing platelets from sticking together.
Diabetes - equal to prescription pills for diabetes — can lower fasting blood sugar by 40mg/dl
Asthma, Allergies and Eczema-has similar effects as cortisol and there’s a certain allergy medication that works like onions.
Antimicrobial- helps fight fungal, bacterial and helminth infections.
How much do you need for these benefit? 1/4 cup a day. Can be cooked or raw an lid spread throughout the day. And the best part? NO SIDE EFFECTS!
So add the onions and enjoy using food for health.