What's For Dinner?

Does the thought of cooking a meal make you cringe?  Is it because it takes too long? It isn’t convenient? Or is it because you have no clue how to begin cooking a meal?

Life just keeps getting busier, responsibilities pile up and the last thing on your mind is “what can I make for dinner?” So its run though a fast food pick-up, throw something frozen in the microwave or maybe do do cook something… from a box. This crazy pace we are keeping and the lack of real food is literally killing us. the crazy pace.. we will discuss that effect on our health another time. The focus right now is on the eating and the lack of real food and the lost tradition of home cooked meals and dinners at the table with family.

Cooking has become a lost art for many reasons and our health is suffering as a result. If we look at this historically we can see the changes that have occurred with every “advancement” in technology. Many have made life great, but not without consequence. And unfortunately, we don’t usually see those consequences until many years later. By the time we “see” and put it all together, it is very hard to go backwards and give up the modern joys.

Once upon a time, you needed to work hard to produce your own food. It was a hard life to produce and preserve food. Over time, developments came to make mass production of food possible and new ways to preserve food for longer. Both included chemicals. Pesticides to prevent the crops from being lost to insects. Chemicals to grow food supplies bigger, better and faster.  As people were enjoying the ability to have more food available without growing it themselves. The demand for more food pushed for an increase in mass production. The consequence of mass production has been the production of food with little to no nutritional value. The soil quality has been depleted. Then there is genetically modified food… a whole different subject we won’t get into here. As if that isn’t enough, we have evolved to making making “food product”. NOT REAL FOOD!! “Food Product”. Literally, chemicals and substances configured in a lab and put out with a help life of eternity. Chemists are paid big money to create substance to add to food to make you “addicted” to the food. To crave it and “to not eat just one”. Great marketing trick, that has hidden meaning.

How many of you have met people that think mashed potatoes only come from a bag??

Here is where to the health problem comes in. First, our bodies see these chemical as “foreign”. The body is very good at protecting us and adapting to situations to save itself. In a response to the “foreign”, there is inflammation. That inflammation triggers a lot of other things to happen in the body. I will save you the details, but the end result is when the body is overwhelmed with it all and can’t put up the big fight against the invasion anymore, we have health issues. Usually those issues are then labeled as chronic pain, chronic fatigue, fibromyalgia, autoimmune disorders, diabetes, obesity, fatty liver… I am sure you get the point.

Challenge:  Stop looking at food as carbs, proteins and fats for a little while and try processed vs not processed and see how much better you feel and how much weight you can lose as you “lose the inflammation”.

Now that we have this convenient food, there has to be a quick and easy way to package it so that we can have to whenever we want. The most common packaging became plastic. Cheap, light, doesn’t break, can go into the microwave. What a great invention we say! Oh, but wait… When you put plastic in the microwave, or it is exposed to heat, it breaks down and the chemicals are released into your food or beverage. Now you are fight off those foreign substances and along comes more inflammation.

Challenge:  Look the labels on the foods you eat and see if you can pronounce AND identify all of the ingredients.

We keep getting weaker in our fight against invaders without the proper nutrients to fuel us. As we get weaker, we can’t put up a fight. We start getting really sick from viruses and bacteria that we are exposed to. People are dying at a younger age, despite medical advancements. Heart disease has seen no reduction. Cancer is at an all time high. We see changes at a cellular level. Our children are being changed before they are even born because of the exposures to things the mother is exposed to from the food and environment. ADHD and learning disabilities are being diagnosed more than ever.

Guess what our bodies need to survive and stay healthy? Vitamins, minerals, nutrients, water.

Where do we get such things? Real food! Not chemically manufactured, food like substances that can last on the shelf for eternity. Not fast food products injected with more chemicals to preserve their color, “fresh appearance” and to prevent separation when packaged.

What about supplements and herbs? Yes they can help, as long as they are not altered as well. But wouldn’t you rather eat real food than take supplements?

I think I have made a pretty good case for learning to cook and eating more real food. I am in no way saying grow and can all of your own food to eat. I am saying be aware. Make educated choices. Glass, not plastics. Don’t heat food in plastics. Organic when possible. Eat a variety of fresh foods that have nutrients in them. Buy local produce. Learn to cook at home. The less processed the food is, the better. The less ingredients on the label the better. Being able to recognize all the ingredients on the label! These are starting points. Little changes can go a long way.

Challenge:  Cook at least 3 meals week at home and eat WITH your family, not in the car or in separate rooms.

I used to think this was all crazy talk and didn’t want to hear it, because it was easier to say it was far fetched than to believe it. Then I got a little education and then I wanted more education and now… I am afraid its all true.  Notice a push towards more natural products? More use of homeopathics than pharmaceutical? More attention on the media? More plant based options? An increased search for Functional Medicine and Integrative Health Care providers?

My goal with Health Interventions has always been to help educate and provide guidance on living a healthier life in the real world. I work. I have a family. I am busy. I like convenience. I know what it’s like trying to balance it all. However, I want to live forever. I want to live filled with energy and vitality.  I don’t want to be limited by pain, fatigue or illness. I want to play with my grandson and enjoy activities with my family and friends. I really want the “Golden Years” to be golden. Therefore, I read, I learn and I share the knowledge with those who want the same things. I do hope the information and resources provided though Health Interventions help you to live a long, healthy and happy life.

Check out our Health Meals Made For You, created to get real food to you. All made from real food, made fresh, from scratch at Spring Valley Cafe, There are canned food items, just the way grandma did it to store and use at your convenience when you are busy and can’t cook. You can create and add to them to make your own dish your way. There are meals already prepped fresh for you to enjoy, that can be shipped to you, all in BPA free packaging, just in case you really are opposed to the cooking idea.

Health Interventions Cooking For Health Classes are designed to teach those who don’t know a thing about cooking, all while educating on the ingredients selected and the health benefits, as we discuss other health related topics. Right now those are in person only, but looking to soon make them available for you to attend virtually and follow along with us!

Future posts and topics will expand on some of the things introduced here and will be much more focused. I just feel so strongly that knowledge is power and that the more you know the better equipped you are to make decisions for you health.

Marcia Jones, NP