Let's Kickoff The New Year!
Happy New Year to you and welcome to 2023! With a new year there are always new beginnings, new resolutions, new goals and new determination. No matter what you have in mind for the year, there should also be some new excitement in the air.
Think of January as a reset and a fresh start.
To make things happen in 2023, write down your goals. Write those goals while they are fresh in your mind and you are filled with excitement. While writing and planning for the new year, reflect on the past year a bit. Write down all of your 2022 “adventures”, whether they be successes or not quite so successful. What lessons did you learn? What could you do different or better in this new year? How do you continue the momentum of successes? Personally, I buy a calendar or planner and write everything out because it keeps me organized by dates. This helps you to NOT forget where you started by the time you get to the end of January. Plus, you are better prepared for any potential events that may derail your goals…. Birthdays, vacations..
You are not doing this alone! Health Interventions is planning a fresh start for 2023 and there is definitely excitement in the air!
For Health Interventions, I have reviewed the last 3 years and used that review to form an itinerary for the entire year of 2023. My goal for 2023 is bringing everything all together, into one unified resource for you. Even though there are many different parts to Health Interventions, you need one location to get all the benefits. Moving forward, Health Interventions is giving you one streamlined location to find what you need. Lifestyle interventions, cooking interventions, meal services, functional medicine consults, supplement recommendations, informational blogs… all in one place, healthinterventions.net.
In 2023 we are going to be focusing more on the why and how of all things health related. Putting a little more knowledge out there that supports and encourages a healthy lifestyle. Knowledge is power.
As you know, I am a nurse practitioner and I talk about a variety of health related topics. The information you receive is medically grounded and research based. You’re getting valid information to keep you healthy, keep you in the know and keep you up-to-date medically. Doing the Google search on your own can lead to some very deceptive information that leaves you more confused or simply keeps you from reaching your goals because of false information. Did I mention the information is relevant to the real world and every day living?
Are you ready? Are you excited to get this journey started?
Here’s what I have to tell you to kickstart your journey.
Number 1:
Calories in calories out has never made sense to me. There are so many things influencing your life. There are so many pieces to the puzzle of life, weight, energy and wellness making this theory inaccurate. Think about it.. you eat less than 1000 calories a day and still can’t lose… theory of calories in/calories out…goes out the window.
Everyone has their own life and you cannot compare yourself to others and can’t do what “everyone else does”. That’s called a fad and we know they end.
Number 2:
There will be no extremes in 2023. You ARE NOT going to starve yourself to lose that first 10 pounds. You know if you do that you will be tired, you will be hungry and then you are grumpy. I’m going to walk you through the entire year of 2023. How to make the changes that last. Slow and steady wins the race.
Number 3:
Yes, there is medication that can help you want to lose the weight. Medications that are safe for an eternity if you want. To get into the weight loss program and see if that medication works for you, schedule an appointment online. Semaglutide can help you hit the road running and improve your success rates. Semaglutide helps control appetite by balancing hormone levels involved with appetite and digestion of food, especially carbs.
Number 4:
Get an evaluation! Don’t go into this blindly. Don’t sabotage your efforts from the beginning. Insulin levels, glucose, hormones, vitamins, iron, thyroid, liver, kidney function.... all can play a huge role in metabolism and energy. That’s only part of it. Let’s add sleep, stress, activity… Does this help you to see the complexity of your health? Get an evaluation, preferably by a provider specializing in weight, hormones or functional medicine. These specialty providers go behind the basics and look at things a bit differently to identify your obstacles to success. Health Interventions can hook you up with a consultation and customized evaluation to get you headed in the right direction. Personally and medically, I believe this is a safer option and makes more sense than just chasing the latest “miracle weight loss trend”. Some of those trends are going to be more of a risk than benefit.
As we progress through our Health Interventions, we will review information on all of the topics discussed here. A deeper dive into the facts and myths about wellness and weight loss. There is no way to cover it all at once. So stay tuned! Subscribe to our email list so you don’t miss a thing.