Cooking For Health Sessions Coming in 2023!
If you have resolved to get healthier in 2023, but don’t know where to start, Heath Interventions has what you need. We will gather, talk health, cook and eat great food! Multipurpose and fun! From hormones to immune boosting to weight loss, we will cover it.
Learn the ingredients, why they are chosen and how they benefit you. Read labels and make educated choices. Don’t fall victim to gimmicks anymore!
Sessions will be on-site at Spring Valley Cafe , with a virtual option for you to join on your own schedule in the works. The plan is to start simple and work our way up to recipes with more steps and preparing full meals.
You just may find something new you like.
You might even LIKE COOKING!!
All the food will be included in the cost, as well as beverages and the information you need to get healthy, lose weight, balance moods, hormones and just feel better. You will be having too much fun to know you are actually in a medically guided health program, learning to put all the pieces together.
Sessions can be taken individually or in a package.
Pricing details soon to come, along with a schedule of topics to be covered and the food to Master!