Posts in Nurse Education
#8 How To Maximize That 15 Minute Visit

You might be thinking, “oh my goodness there is so much to take in and how am I ever supposed to fit all of this into a visit! If I get 15 minutes for my patient. How do I ask them everything that needs to be asked in 15 minutes?” It is possible! In this episode, we will cover tips on just that. Get in and get out, get all you need, have a plan to chart it all and keep your patient happy!

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#6 Do You Think It’s My Thyroid? The Thyroid Nutrition Connection

Chronic Fatigue and Weight Gain: When Thyroid Gets the Blame

■ Thyroid Assessment

■ The Nutrition Connection to Thyroid Function

This episode I want to continue down our path of nutritional influence on health. We have started to get into the nutritional influences and deficits of our current patient population in previous episodes. As we continue, I want to focus in on a topic that you may not commonly connect to dietary influences. The thyroid. I have some insights into the connection between food intake and thyroid function that may surprise you! So listen in!

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#4 -The Current Patient Population

Today we are talking about is our current patient population. The patient that you see in your office today, no matter what they seem at face value are very complex and have multiple underlying conditions lurking. This is a product of the world in which we live. Today’s society is one of increased stress, Processed foods, on the go living, lack of exercise and increased screen time. and that is just the tip of the iceberg for contributing factors to the ever-changing and declining health of our US population.

When you put all of these things together, it leads to the ever rising trend of obesity, which leads to hypertension, pre-diabetes, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, autoimmune disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, depression and so much more.

○ This episode, I will ll be sharing my thoughts on the current patient population

■ The complexity of those patients

■ Contributing factors to that complexity

■ The beginnings of managing those complexities

■ ...and so much more!

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#3- How to Master the Initial Visit!

○ This episode, I will ll be sharing my thoughts on the current patient population

■ The complexity of those patients

■ Contributing factors to that complexity

■ The beginnings of managing those complexities

■ ...and so much more!

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