Posts tagged American Academy of Nurse Practitioners
#4 -The Current Patient Population

Today we are talking about is our current patient population. The patient that you see in your office today, no matter what they seem at face value are very complex and have multiple underlying conditions lurking. This is a product of the world in which we live. Today’s society is one of increased stress, Processed foods, on the go living, lack of exercise and increased screen time. and that is just the tip of the iceberg for contributing factors to the ever-changing and declining health of our US population.

When you put all of these things together, it leads to the ever rising trend of obesity, which leads to hypertension, pre-diabetes, diabetes, hyperlipidemia, autoimmune disorders, obstructive sleep apnea, depression and so much more.

○ This episode, I will ll be sharing my thoughts on the current patient population

■ The complexity of those patients

■ Contributing factors to that complexity

■ The beginnings of managing those complexities

■ ...and so much more!

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#3- How to Master the Initial Visit!

○ This episode, I will ll be sharing my thoughts on the current patient population

■ The complexity of those patients

■ Contributing factors to that complexity

■ The beginnings of managing those complexities

■ ...and so much more!

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#2- What Does it Mean to be an NP?

We care, we advocate and we educate! Add the Advanced Education at a Master’s Level or above to a registered nurse that has the gained the skills and experience in their profession of working directly with and caring for patients and you have a Nurse Practitioner. That my friends is powerful and is shaping the healthcare system now and the future of healthcare.

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