Almond Flour Crust Review
Sometimes you need to be a little creative and try something new! Like Almond Flour Crust Pizza.
A little twist to this pizza… to keep the flavor and lessen the sarurated fats, I used a sprinkle of feta cheese instead of traditional mozzarella or cheddar. Toppings were marinated artichokes, black olives, mushrooms, tomato sauce and pesto.
I included a pic of the label on the pizza box to see. The ingredients in the crust are boasted as paleo, grain free, dairy free, soy free and yeast free….they however, are not calorie free or carb free.
At 240 calories per serving (3 servings), 19 grams of carbs, 1 gram of fiber, 4 grams of protein, and a very strong egg flavor to the crust, you may not be getting the most out of your choice with this one.
I tried it.. I am not fond of it. I’ll take the cauliflower crust option over this one. The toppings were great and ultimately were scraped off the crust to be eaten. I just couldn’t do another bite of this crust.
You’re welcome. I may have just saved you $7 for the crust and a lot of yuck faces.