Episode #19 Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic Syndrome is the focus of this episode. It’s a catchy term used to show that a patient is at a greater risk for having a heart attack or stroke because they have at least 3 concurrent diagnoses associated with heart attack and stroke. I am going to review all of the 5 diagnoses you have to select from and then give you more of a connectivity among them. A common causality is also in play and I believe the core to treating Metabolic Syndrome.

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Episode #17 Managing the Unsatisfied Patient

With every patient encounter you do your absolute best to give the most appropriate care. You listen to the patient, you review the labs, you develop a plan of care together. Of course, you have educated them on the need to make implement certain things to reach desired outcomes. The visit ends and everyone is happy and in agreement, or so you thought. What happens when they come back angry? Or you hear they were less than satisfied with you or the care you gave? That’s what this episode is all about!

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Episode #16 Protecting Your Personal Life

When you are working in the medical profession there is a lot of demand on you. The stress can start to creep in and take over your personal life. In this episode, we are going to take a look at how that happens, how it looks from your family’s point of view and ways to protect your personal life from being consumed by your work life.

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Episode #15 Preventing Provider Burnout

The medical profession is a very stressful profession. You literally take the lives of others into your own hands. Provider burn out is something that creeps up on you and can interfere not only with your own health, but the health of your patients. We are going to take a look at how this happens, how to identify it’s happening to you and what to do about it.

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Podcast #14 Obesity and The Immune System

A poorly functioning immune system can increase our risks for infections and make it harder to recover from the illnesses. COVID has shown us that viral illnesses are more likely to be fatal in persons with a poor immune system. Our immune system also plays a role in cancer and disorders like Lupus and Rheumatoid Arthritis. This episode we are going to take a look at how the rising rate of obesity correlates with a weakening immune system.

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Episode #13 Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a role in so many of the body’s functions. From the immune system, to bone building, to mood, to neurological function. You name it and vitamin D is there for its function. But obesity? Listen in!

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Marcia Jones, NPComment
Episode #11 The Plant Based Diet "Prescription"

Let food be thy medicine?

One of the ways that you can reduce inflammation, lower blood pressure, treat diabetes and hyperlipidemia without medications is by adopting a plant-based diet. It is actually becoming more main stream to adopt a plant-based diet. Which makes it easier to have this conversation with patients.

This episode covers the benefits of a plant-based diet, how to do this healthfully, some of the things to be aware of in a plant-based diet and how to start the conversation with your

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Marcia Jones, NPComment

○ This episode we will

-Take a look into the neurologic system

-Review useful information for the evaluation of tremor

-Walk through differentiating the diagnosis of tremor

-And you know so much more!

The field of neurology can sometimes be intimidating. Tremor has so many possible etiologies that you may be nervous about going through the differential diagnosis process. . With just a little guidance in the right direction, you will be more confident in your understanding, diagnosis, interview skills and plan of action.

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The Observation phase of your assessment begins the minute you open the door to the exam room. This episode I will give you tips on what you can assess during the interview portion of visit and how you can use this portion of the assessment to guide you in patient evaluation.

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#8 How To Maximize That 15 Minute Visit

You might be thinking, “oh my goodness there is so much to take in and how am I ever supposed to fit all of this into a visit! If I get 15 minutes for my patient. How do I ask them everything that needs to be asked in 15 minutes?” It is possible! In this episode, we will cover tips on just that. Get in and get out, get all you need, have a plan to chart it all and keep your patient happy!

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#7 The Patient Connection

○ This episode I’ll cover

■ The Patient - Provider Relationship

■ How to establish that connection

■ And how that connection benefits both you and patient.

I know that we are living in a modern techie world with EMRs, electronic devices and apps to track it all, but what about the human experience? The provider patient connection? What about those subtleties that you pick up on in human interaction, communication and observation that are not included in all of these tracking devices? In this podcast we will discuss therapeutic connections with your patients. How to establish that therapeutic connection. How that will benefit you as the practitioner. And how that will benefit the patient.

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#6 Do You Think It’s My Thyroid? The Thyroid Nutrition Connection

Chronic Fatigue and Weight Gain: When Thyroid Gets the Blame

■ Thyroid Assessment

■ The Nutrition Connection to Thyroid Function

This episode I want to continue down our path of nutritional influence on health. We have started to get into the nutritional influences and deficits of our current patient population in previous episodes. As we continue, I want to focus in on a topic that you may not commonly connect to dietary influences. The thyroid. I have some insights into the connection between food intake and thyroid function that may surprise you! So listen in!

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#5 Insights into Food and Health

It is an extremely daunting task to care for today’s patient. We we live in a society that is getting their information from social media and mass marketing. We are fighting every step of the way to get people to control their co-morbidities. People are going to the Internet to find health tips. We go through a different fad every few years. The people who are giving out information, most often are looking for their own monetary gain or are not educated in managing a person with complicated health conditions. This can be dangerous! Re-educating our patient population, as well as ourselves is going to be the new way of life.

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