Health Interventions

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Sourdough Bread For The Win!

Let’s Talk about Bread...Sourdough Bread

Not all bread is bad. Sourdough actually has some benefits. So, if you must have bread, choose well.

Sourdough is made using a fermentation process. During this process prebiotics and probiotics are produced. Pre and Probiotics are good for the gut and the immune system.

Probiotics are healthy bacteria found in your body and certain foods; prebiotics are non-digestible fibers that feed these bacteria.

There is very little impact on the blood sugar with the RIGHT sourdough bread and easier digestion.

Choose whole-wheat sourdough has more fiber, iron, and other nutrients.

There you have it... a little Health Intervention on bread. And that is why you find Sourdough Bread on the menu at Spring Valley Cafe… Sourdough French Toast, Sourdough Breakfast Sandwiches and on out Ultimate party Platter for dipping into Olive Oil.