Health Interventions

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Episode #22 10 Steps to Starting a Weight Management Clinic

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This episode is for all of my entrepreneurial NP colleagues! One of the things I get asked frequently is how to start a practice.  Maybe it is because I have opened 3 now. I’d like to think I have learned a few things along the way. There are many things I could have done A LOT easier, but in my life, I usually end up taking the long way around and learning lessons the hard way! But that builds character, right? Every experience in life should be used as a learning experience, whether it be good or bad, it shapes you as a person and for the positive if you let it. I hope you can find value in the steps I am offering you here.  I hope that I save you a lot of struggles if you are truly interested in starting a practice from the ground up or if you are planning to revamp your current practice. I have done both.  So here goes! 


Enough of my life lessons! On to the 10 steps to open a practice! 



1.     Know Your Why- Why do you want to add weight management? Is it for Patient outcomes? Financial gain? A passion for health and fitness? Burnout in your current position? Personal goals?


2.     Have a Plan and Write it Down-  Why do you want to add weight management? Is it for Patient outcomes? Financial gain? A passion for health and fitness? Burnout in your current position? Personal goals?


3.     Identify Your Business Model- Cash vs insurance. This is a tough one. If you are frustrated with insurance models you may be tempted to say cash! But be careful. 

4.     Location - Where will you practice? Will you add to a current practice or begin a new stand alone obesity clinic?

5.     Who are Your patients? - Will they be from your current practice, referrals or patients attracted through marketing?


6.     Who will be on your team? - Choose wisely! Your team can make or break you. 


7.     Equipment and Supplies- Not much! A good set of digital scales that way up 500 pounds. A measuring tape. Blood pressure cuff.

8.     Select a good EMR- You want an EMR with Practice Management capabilities all in one.


9.     Consider Supplements- This could be added revenue. It is also a way to know your patients are getting quality products. 

10.  Get trained! - Have a mentor or trusted consultant. Don’t try to do it all alone. Save yourself the headaches, time and setbacks.


How would you get trained?? The Health Interventions – Master Obesity In Your Practice! Of course!  This is a complete Step-by-Step Online Video Training System that gives you everything you need to get started. The modules are broken down for ease of learning. It’s actionable information. It’s not an overload on data for you to try to break down to clinically relevant information. I’m a very busy practicing provider, so I have made this a ready-to-go, turn- key program for you. Questionnaires, visit templates, meal planning and more - everything you need to get started right away! 


To get all of the details on all of the steps above listen in to the podcast! You can also download the guide!

Get the PDF Guide to this information!


 And….in case you’ve missed the news..

The Wellness and Weight Management Course is getting even better! It’s even got a new name...  Master Obesity in Your Clinical Practice. There is more information, more action items for your practice AND a Private Facebook group for course members. That means more valuable information from ME in Facebook Live sessions for members only!!! I will be able to offer more support to more practitioners that way. So, I hope you believe me when I say, I listened! I took your feedback and questions and revamped.