Health Interventions

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How Does Cancer Happen?

Cancer happens when your immune system isn’t working properly.

Health Interventions gives you so many ways to protect and boost your immune system. Tasty ways with our recipes and meals. A blog with lots of information to help you make better choices. There are even non-toxic products for your Health and Home Interventions.

Our immune systems are designed to be on alert for anything that “doesn’t belong” or ”isn’t right” and eliminate it. This can be viruses, bacteria, pollen, or even a splinter. When triggered, the immune system sends in the troops to capture the invader, destroy and remove it from the body. You can see this when things like a cut or sprain are a little swollen and inflamed or your nose is stuffy and snotty. These symptoms mean the immune system is working to heal the wound or fight the unwanted infection.

When it comes to aging, depleted or damaged cells inside our body, a healthy immune system will trigger the damaged cell to die off and clear it away. This is called apoptosis and protects us. Apoptosis is a normal process and is always happening within us. New, healthy cells replace the ones that no longer serve a purpose.

What Does All Of This Have To Do With Cancer?

Cancer happens when the immune system is weak and not working properly. Cancer cells are able to “hide” from the unhealthy immune system. Instead of “turning off and dying” to getting cleared away, cancer cells start to replicate into more damaged cells. These damaged cells can grow very fast and start to invade healthy tissues. So fast, that you don’t even realize what is happening. You may just feel more tired because a lot of energy goes in to this process of making more damaged cancer cells.


Preventing cancer requires protecting the immune system by keeping it strong and healthy.

Fighting cancer requires boosting the immune system to give it more power to protect you.

Recovery from cancer and cancer treatments, requires supporting the immune system for the future.

What Things Can Damage Or Weaken The Immune System?

I think we all know that things like smoking can cause cancer because of the chemicals used in cigarettes that damage the cells in our body. Chemicals used in pesticides, cleaning products, plastics, even food preservatives and many other things can also damage our cells. Radiation, cell phone use, heavy metals..A very long list could be inserted here. Genetics also play a big part, as we see in breast cancer.

A poor diet, stress, lack of sleep and multiple exposures to things that can cause cancer weaken the system, making it unable to protect you from cancer.

Why Do Some People Get Cancer And Others Don’t?

Again, genetics is one piece, which you can’t control, but we have talked a lot about the immune system’s role in cancer. Some immune systems are stronger than others and able to protect agains cancer by eliminating those abnormal cells before they duplicate.

People who eat well, getting vitamins and minerals, antioxidants and good sources of energy have a better chance of fighting off exposures and damaged cells. Regular sleep cycles, healthy relationships, a positive attitude and less stress also help boost the immune system.

Prestige Integrative Cancer Treatment Center is now an option that gives you the tools to power up the immune system and treat not just cancer, but the whole body and immune system. Using a whole body approach gives you energy to fight, antioxidants to protect and resilience to bounce back even better than before.

Visit Prestige Family Health Care for more information about the Prestige Integrative Cancer Treatment Center or contact them directly! The team would love to help you fight, recover or even get the tools to protect your immune system if you are at high risk for developing cancer.

or call 240-362-7557 or 301-697-5853

and ask for the Prestige Integrative Cancer Treatment Center coordinator.